


Deraj DeZine

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An XML-based uptime scheduler for Linux

Shuriken is an XML-based tool for Linux system administrators to set up spans of time when the system should be up. Using the RTC daily alarm (requires BIOS, hardware, Linux support), the system will automatically power on (if it is off) for these intervals. The man pages provide all the documentation for the tools provided.

Development: Man Pages Sans Links

Last Modified: 2003-07-24T00:33Z

Not a big deal, but I've removed all the interlinking in the XHTML versions of the man pages. This is simply because man2html wanted me to put the files into a regular man page hierarchy (like separate directories called "man7," "man8," and whatnot). It turns out GNU troff (groff) has an output device for XHTML, so there was really no need for man2html in the first place.

Now you won't get a bunch of 404 errors while reading the Shuriken man pages (although you'll have to open each page separately).