shuriken − uptime scheduler |
Shuriken is a set of tools for creating, manipulating, and using an uptab(5) configuration file that allows a Linux system with a daily RTC alarm to automatically power on when needed. The uptab(8) editor can be used to create and edit an uptab(5) file. Adding and removing entries is supported. uptabrtc(8) should be called in your shutdown scripts and sets the RTC daily alarm to the beginning of the next span of uptime needed. (See NOTES below for issues related to the daily alarm) mustbeup(8) checks to see if the uptab(5) file claims that the system must be up based on the current time. tryhalt(8) uses mustbeup(8) to see if the system may be shut down, and if it can, halts the system. idled(8) is an example shell script that can be used to automatically halt the system when it is idle. You are advised to create your own halting daemon since some of the methods used in idled(5) may not work on many systems! |
One thing that should be kept in mind is that the RTC daily alarm is, amazingly, a daily alarm. So the system will turn on in 23:59 after it is turned off (assuming uptabrtc(8) is run), even if no time spans are defined in the future, so the system should have some mechanism to determine if the system may be shut down safely (e.g. no users logged in, no CPU activity). This way, the system can turn on/off without being attended at all, if necessary. You are advised to create your own halting daemon instead of using idled(8) since some of the tests used in idled(8) may not be portable and the your requirements may be different than what were used to create idled(8). |
Jared Krinke <> |
uptab(5), uptab(8), uptabrtc(8), uptab-gui(8), mustbeup(8), tryhalt(8), idled(8) |
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